For thousands of years men have appointed themselves as second-in-command to god. This evolutionary and egotistical misinterpretation has resulted in nothing other than irresponsible hierarchy and its hypocritical manipulations of Life and liberty.
The hypocrisy stems, in part, from externalizing god into a literal man (of the same race and beliefs as the hypocrite) in some future place that promises pleasurable eternity but only if one can rigidly follow the ambiguity of "His will" now. The manipulation lies in the fact that such a male-dominated mixture of literalism and ambiguity is only tenable if the self-appointed second-in-command controls all matters concerning the interpretation of "His will." How this hierarchical belief system defines manhood is then evident in the religions, politics, economics and entertainment of most societies. How this belief system results in behaviors of withdrawal, manipulation, rebellion or compliance from those not at the top of the hierarchy is also evident. In effect, this power-driven set-up dehumanizes women and children and objectifies nature and the perceived enemy. Fundamentally, the second-in-command is second to none unless he needs to beg forgiveness or justify mercilessness.
Because men are going to hypocritically persist in appointing themselves as second-in-command to their own misinterpretations of god, and because this fabricated appointment has proven no other functional or psychological outcome than Oppression, Addiction, Trauma and Shame (we reap the OATS we sow), I'd like to suggest one simple change. I'm proposing that every male born is automatically given a government funded vasectomy. The thousand dollars or so it costs up front for a vasectomy far outweighs the trillions of dollars we spend dealing with those "crazy" women who've been abused; those "spoiled" children who've been abandoned; the ever-increasing heap of altered waste that comes from nature but can't return; and all the other patriarchal and objectifying tactics that result in the costly ruins of war. (For example, consider that over 65% of males in prison for murder killed the second-in-command because he was hurting "my mom." This type of murder is the unnatural behavior of a grown-up, testosterone-filled male child with conditioned beliefs about the violence necessary to attain godhood. Such a boy is systematically trained to replace self-discipline and personal responsibility with the god-deluded values of "might makes right." At the core of this conditioning, however, are the natural and archetypal needs to survive, be safe and to belong. So, blinded by fear and rage, the now sizable boy is reduced to this ultimatum: stop mom's abuser or die trying. This type of war is the emotionally desperate act of a truly "spoiled" child who kills to salvage his own psychology and protect the spirituality of the mother-child union. The rub is that such an act only creates another violent man to take the place of the dead one. His mom might be free from immediate harm but it's highly unlikely that the young man's godhood will result in safety or well-being for her or anyone else in his life.) Hell, our entire "prison nation," is the systematic reaction to, and creation of, violent men. Altogether, this system of crime and punishment perfectly reveals and reflects the sown OATS of god-deluded manhood.
Of course, vasectomies aren't going to automatically solve the social norms of Oppression, Addiction, Trauma or Shame. After all, this idea doesn't even dent the historic psychological and emotional armaments known as manhood. And mandatory vasectomies will not automatically stop the dehumanizing sexual violence against women and children. Attempts to control the environment and dominate the perceived enemy will continue as well. Mandatory vasectomies would, however, stop the outrage of unwanted and uncared for children (as well as put an end to the hypocrisy and manipulation of the male dominated abortion debate). Because that's what I think is at the core of what's really happening! The sown OATS of god-deluded manhood bring children into society who are instinctually and emotionally outraged!!
If the second-in-command was biologically unable to donate sperm until after he had worked through his egotistical god-delusions and acquired a sense of responsibility and contribution to family and community just imagine the lives we could salvage and the pile of money we could save on societal reparations. If the hypocrisies and manipulations of god-deluded manhood were nipped in the bud we could stop poisoning the nature of what connects children to their God-given Potentials of calling: to have, to feel, to act, to love, to speak and be heard, to see and to know. Such children could then stop turning into the next generation of grown-ups who are conditioned to blindly believe and perpetuate the hypocrisies and manipulations of patriarchal hierarchy. Instead, such children could instinctually and emotionally become individuals who value and contribute to families and communities rooted in protection, empathy, nurturance and sustenance.
Basically, I want to take the hierarchical "god, the father" element out of parenting and society because such a deification is a dehumanizing trap either way you look at it. As I've stated before, I'd like us all to acknowledge and realize the miracles of all Life. Granted, mandatory vasectomies would be a drastic step. But, at this point in his-story I see no other way to dethrone god-deluded manhood. And once the second-in-command is dethroned he can begin to learn how children already see grown-ups as super-beings and that the role of parenting is to model how to become human beings. Once dethroned a man could begin to understand that his own divinity is created by his active consciousness of divinity in all others and otherness. If the second-in-command were dethroned manhood could be redefined as welcoming the sacrifice of diligent service to the well-being of family and community. If men were dethroned the reality of "nature via nurture" could at last be the guiding force of parenting and being human. If men were dethroned all perceived threats to Life and liberty could be responded to differently than the fearfully reactive "might makes right" hierarchy of our current disasters. And once dethroned men can stop trying to justify the hypocrisies and manipulations of manhood and instead allow the emotions of "Being Human" to mature into the citizenship of adulthood.
Once a man can demonstrate how the personal responsibility for love is partly an emotion that results in safe behavior but mostly behavior that results in safe emotions he can have his vasectomy reversed. At that point in his-story he can genuinely begin to Experience the complex Relationships of divinity in men, women, children, nature and even those who threaten with their own patriarchal delusions of godhood. And at that point in our collective story we will all begin learning how to participate with and take personal responsibility for authentic Life and liberty.
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