I'll say it again - one's genuine callings and emotions must be acknowledged. Then, whatever they are, these callings and emotions - Internity - must find a way to be lived. In fact, calling and emotion are the core essence of "How I Am: Being Human" (to have, to feel, to act, to love, to speak and be heard, to see, to know). And any attempt to diffuse ego-consciousness of this fact, or refuse personal responsibility for this fact, will sabotage Life's yearning in some way, shape or form.
Just look around and within. The failure to acknowledge Life's yearning always results in combinations of physiological, psychological, social, mental, emotional and spiritual dis-ease. Examples of this sabotage are also observed in the factors and influences of "How I Am: Being Human" (i.e, the genetics, family, community, peers, education, environment, temperament and calling of the personal and collective Relationships and Experiences). In effect, the intentional acknowledgement or devout ignorance of one's genuine calling and emotion is revealed and reflected in the purposeful behaviors and internal motivations of Life's yearning.
Postscript: I finish these thoughts in the shadow of yet another mass killing, this time at a theater in Aurora, Colorado. (Twelve people dead, which, averaged out, is approximately one-third of how many people die everyday from gun violence in this "land of the free." Fifty-eight people wounded and traumatized for the rest of their lives. A country fascinated by the horror of it all but only until the headlines change.) My observations at this point are that the public response is appropriately focused on either the victims or guns. What we also need to address, however, are the killer's purposeful behaviors and internal motivations. How did the nature of his Life's yearning, his interiorization of community and his deepest callings and emotions get nurtured into such a desperate annihilation of Life? And what measure of safety and fear do all the killers, all the victims, all the media and all the guns reveal and reflect concerning our personal and collective formulations of "How I Am: Being Human?"
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