"The world and the Gods are dead or alive
according to the condition of our souls."
(James Hillman)
One of my earliest psychological births was in the mid-sixties at Catholic school. I was formally taught to believe that God lived somewhere else and he was madder than hell at me for what a couple of my dubious ancestors did (something about not sharing apples). As a child this dogmatic guilt by association, and my being "a sinner" because of it, didn't make much sense to me but it was a perpetual concern for the nuns and priests. They often said, "God loves you" and "suffer the little children" but in reality some of them hated us "sinners" and were hell-bent on making us suffer. To them the whole world was evil and the devil was three-and-a-half feet tall, had a bad haircut and wore a polyester sweater vest. Too many of us imaginative and loving children took this abusiveness to heart and soul where the Potential of our world and the Gods began dying in agony.
I still love learning but by the second grade I already had emotional reasons to be confused and hate school. Fortunately, there were many adults in my life who weren't violent, even on school days when they found me hiding-out in the alley unable to verbalize my fear. These adults practiced self-discipline and the Freedom of Responsibility so I trusted their love and loved them in return, even when they firmly held my hand and walked me to school where they mistakenly believed I belonged. They didn't really know what was going-on other than hearing "his conduct is disruptive, he doesn't listen, he daydreams, he won't sit still, he teases the girls, he doesn't work up to his potential, he doodles pictures when he's supposed to be doing math" etcetera, ad nauseum. (This report was actually saying, "From our perspective your son's main problem is that he's a child and a sinner and we're going to fix him good.") It wasn't until many years later around the family table when the real stories of cruelty had their cynical telling. The elders were confused and outraged but by then my ego was flooded with shame for instincts and distrust of my own Potential. For almost three decades the condition of my soul drowned in the intoxicating hatred I fostered for the world and the Gods. However, these experiences were also a "compare and contrast" push toward enlightenment. To this day I thank the fates for sending me home from school to many loving and Responsible adults who used religion to guide instead of justify their behavior. I can well imagine the shame in the hearts and minds of those children who experienced psychological fear and cruelty at home as well as school and to this day still think they deserved it.
Enlightenment and healthy psychological birth are cyclical experiences of naming the world, intentionally holding one's Internity up to the light of solemn examination. The purpose is to make some meaning out of it all. And many psychological births later I now have empathy for those nuns and priests who were vicious. I suspect they were systematically and maybe even ritually scared and hurt during their formative years. There's no other way to explain how the condition of their rigid souls could have become so fearfully nailed to the crosses of their own neurotic dogmas. They must have been scared to death of us children because as children they had been scared to death. I now understand their behavior for what it was: projections of, and overcompensations for, their own unexamined fears being presented in the black and white costume of religion.
Righteously scaring and hurting children has been a terrible idea for too many centuries. Throughout history and all around the world today - within individuals, families, communities and nations - the evidence of this common practice is found in atrocious acts of all kinds and all dogmas. I am convinced that whenever people claim to know "God's will" they are actually revealing the unexamined, mean-spirited conditioning of their own damaged egos and dying souls. The natural condition of a child's soul, on the other hand, allows for the whole world and all the Gods to be inspirational and alive. To meet this truth with sanctioned cruelty has always been and will always be a fundamental act of terrorism against the psychological birth of the world and the Gods.
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