Sunday, June 26, 2011

All ONE's Divine Relationships

     Chances are you've heard of this one Mythic story (and there are many more like it).  It starts with an eternal and noble soul in this SELF-made garden paradise (right away creativity and expression establish the psychic norm of All is ONE).  ONE time (even though there wasn't a concept of time yet) the eternal being was walking in the garden (in a sensory yet unconscious Relationship with its own image) when All is ONE transformed into a concept - All ONE - and then into an experience - Alone (probably not possible for eternal beings but the story, like all "otherness," has its own purpose).  In response to this Aloneness (the original glimpse of consciousness) the eternal being followed its creative, expressive nature and made a second eternal being (out of some sort of garden material), again in its own image.  So now the garden had a significant "other" to relate to the next time ONE came to visit.
     Out of the ONE comes Two.  Two, however, soon needed something to do (the seeds of Calling were already present) and so was given the task of naming All the "otherness" in the garden.  Two was also given the privilege of using the "otherness" of the eternal garden (of course this "use" meant the killing and eating of the "otherness" but there isn't conscious differentiation of Life or Death or Need in eternity so it wasn't a psychological dilemma).  After Two finished naming All, which took an eternity, All One again transformed into Alone (the incessant stirrings of consciousness).  So Two goes to ONE and says, "Hey, everything in the garden here is really nice and convenient and well-cared for but something's missing."  ONE thought this over for an eternity.  ONE knew that up to now All was still unconsciously ONE.  But ONE also knew all about, and even predicted, Two's experience of the Alone transformation.
     ONE smiled in a peculiar way and then, out of different (as yet undifferentiated) garden material, created a third eternal "other."  ONE knew the timeless truth that out of ONE comes Two; out of Two comes Three; out of Three comes all things - consciousness.  Of course, it wasn't long before Three's Calling and Internity sensed and acted upon conscious discovery, expression and connection with ONE.  And ONE knew from the beginning that Three would choose the genuine purpose of walking the Hero's path.  ONE also knew that Three would consider hanging around in the eternal garden utterly meaningless.  That knowledge was behind ONE's peculiar smile.  That smile expressed ONE's eternal Love as Three said "YES" to consciousness and "YES" to Being Human and "YES" to a life-long relationship with Creation.
     In this way Three's consciousness brought Divine Relationship into the world.  Three then began to differentiate the Potential and mysterious duality of All Life.  Three's consciousness learned to honor the original sacredness of All that was revealed in the garden.  Three's consciousness of time and space impelled projections and introjections of sorrow and joy and fear and desire in the Experience of being alive.  Three courageously said "YES!" to Death because to do so made Perceptions of Life possible.  Without Three's consciousness ONE and Two would still be All ONE and Alone in the unconsciousness of the eternal garden.
     This Myth, of course, corresponds to the unconscious symbiotic union we all experience at the beginning of Life.  The garden story describes the psychological birth of Being Human.  The garden story, as a living Myth, is about bringing ONE's divinity - the images, energies and emotions - to full symbolic consciousness of and atonement with individual and collective Life.  Anything less than Mythic interpretation of this garden story is madness and puts the soul's nobility at odds with circumstances - All ONE's Divine Relationships.

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